Program Statement

Below is Kelly’s Kids Home Daycare Program Statement which outlines what I am aiming to achieve while caring for your child(ren), setting up the daycare environment, and preparing programming material.


  1. To promote the nutrition and well-being of children by encouraging children to develop a positive attitude towards a wide variety of foods and gain developmentally appropriate self-help skills by allowing children to participate in choosing, preparing, and serving meals and snacks.


  1. To support the health and well-being of children by providing opportunities for sleep/rest time, proper nutrition, opportunities for active play, and encouraging outdoor exploration.

  1. To promote the safety and well-being of children by setting clear expectations, boundaries and guidelines that help ensure safety and well-being, both indoors and outdoors, for all children while allowing them to take age appropriate risks in their exploration of play.


  1. To foster positive and responsive interactions among children, parents, and myself by actively engaging children in their play while observing and communicating these observations with families.

  1. To encourage the children to interact and communicate in a positive way and support the ability to self-regulate by setting clear routines and behavioural expectations founded on respect for themselves, others, and their environment while encouraging positive verbal problem solving skills between children.


  1. To nurture the children’s exploration, play, and inquiry by regularly providing different age appropriate toys, materials, and activities based upon the children’s developmental interests.

  1. To incorporate indoor and outdoor play, as well as active play, rest, and quiet time into the day and to give consideration to the individual needs of the children receiving care by providing a flexible space that accommodates various activities and the needs of different age groups.


  1. To foster engagement of ongoing communication with parents about the program and their children through various mediums including personal interactions on premises, weekly programming and meal planning updates, photos and videos on both Kelly’s Kids secret Facebook group and the HiMama App, as well as daily reports for each child.

  1. To provide child-initiated and adult supported experiences utilizing the “How Does Learning Happen?” resource from the Ministry of Education to guide their learning and experiences.


  1. To plan for and create positive learning environments and experiences in which each child’s learning and development will be supported by setting up an engaging environment that is flexible to the changing interests of a developmentally diverse group of children.

  1. To involve community partners and allow these partners to support the children, their families and myself through an awareness of available programming and how to access them when needed.


  1. To support those who interact with the children in my home child care in relation to continuous learning by accessing the resources provided by London Children’s Connection and attending professional learning workshops on an ongoing basis.



Daily Routine

The routine seen below is a general outline of what we do everyday.  It is flexible to the needs of the children in care, their disposition for that particular day, the weather, and many other factors that fluctuate on an ongoing basis.



Kelly’s Kids uses a four week rotating menu as a template for our weekly meals.  A Weekly Menu plan is updated before the beginning of the week to reflect seasonal food choices, themed meals and snacks, field trip days, etc.


Weekly Calendars

Monthly Schedules are updated regularly and are where you can find a child’s individual schedule, special days, and field trips.  A Weekly Calendar is posted before the beginning of the week with our planned activities reflecting the developmental levels of the children in care as well as their current interests.  

Below are two examples of recent Weekly Calendars.



Field Trips

Field trips are planned regularly, usually every month or two, to various places around London; we try not to visit places that are much more than ½ hour drive away – we are quite lucky that there are so many amazing places to visit in our area.  

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Fanshawe Conservation Area
  • Clovermead Adventure Farm
  • Apple Land Station
  • Story Book Gardens
  • London Children’s Museum
  • Adventures on Wonderland
  • The Fanshawe-Kinsmen Sugar Bush


Depending on the dynamics of the group of children in care and how many children are in care that day, at least two adults will be in attendance for our trips, and sometimes an additional adult or student volunteer may attend with clearance from our licensing agency.